Happy End 2017 KickAss movie torrent

Clean torrent Happy End 2017

Family Drama, Cale, European Refugee Crisis. Gradual dementia occurred, George Laurent, Laurents patriarch octogenarioa, high -borjuasi wealthy family, Kale most Palestinians, migrating the existing evil evil heart, his son married twice, Thomas and Anne, family buildinga company that has taken a workaholic young daughter. Divorce and freshness, Anne provoked chaos duistripua desperate Pierre Pierre kecuaianDiinduksi his work, at the same time, the employment of the hospital at Thomas’s Hospital, summoning the wife of Thomas, her thirties, her father and her new wife Anasis. Of course, in this familyeveryone had a wardrobe in cabinets, and Lorans’ fate with distrust and despair made a strange and alarming alliance. But in the end some secrets are bigger than others.

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