GIMP 2.8 64-Bit

Clean torrent GIMP 2.8

GIMP is a free and open source tool that can create and edit images.

GIMP has been working for more than two decades, and the development of the company has been stable for years. The latest update GIMP offers to check this incredible program of editing of open source image many new resources and the future.


All functions of GIMP are still vorhanden.Sie can airbrush their own images with tools, designing, creating clones and tworzeniaGradienty.Advanced Users can create their own brushes and rules for later use. You can also import images for the GIMP manipulate program. You can cut text if you can add to resize and create nested level. There is still a way to inspire your creations.

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GIMPEs now updated with a series of user interfaces, so the beginner application was available. The biggest addition is the ability to edit the interface in a single window. GIMPPrzeszłość VersionsIt criticized its fake interfaces, but the developers solve many of these problems in this version. A column mode is great, but it is also disappointing that there is no way to consult several projects on the page.

Other updated features include simple text editing, layer groups in other appointments and the transition to the general graphic library (GEGL), which is an advanced image processing.GEGL catalog some years ago wsteczW developer version and is now part ofZobel, version for the consumer. The creators of GIMP expect a totally GEGL version to move One of the main advantages of using GIMP GEGL is the ability to destroy images with high depth and edit.

GIMPspeichert only for its own XCF format to keep layers and manipulate other information about files. Users can also choose a trademark in formats such as JPEG and PNG, saving time is the “export” for project. It turns wKroki into Adobe Photoshop.

The last GIMP is better thannever. Developers take the attention of users seriously and accelerate the development of this already amazing photo editor.


The full list of changes can be found here.

GIMP supports the following formats


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