Therapist 2017 Greenman free movie torrent

Clean torrent Therapist 2017

TherapistYan is an ordinary girl with a mountain of problems in her life. One day she was coughing and found herself gasping for air. When his cough stopped, she found there a thick, hand-sticky green mucus-like substance. She began to panic and go to the doctor, but he was hit there by a car on the way. According to her sense, she found out that her body is painless and in very good condition. Your doctor then performs a thorough diagnosis andFound that Yang had no more pulse and enmaarona completely healthy. When she steered and led Prof. Xu`s lab to the consideration of the Yang, her soul said her body left and she only had three days to get her back.

Language: Mandarin

Classification: P13

General appearance: 16 March 2017

Genre: Horror / Thriller

Duration: 1 hour 21 minutes

Distributor: bn Full entertainment


Produced by

Format: 2D

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