Namebench download

Clean torrent Namebench

You may not know, but you can choose which service to the address that you place in your browser to change numbers, the authentic coordinates of the IP.

Most users will not think that, but it’s amazing how much difference the change can make to DNS. The mighty Google has recently started a service, how do you know it’s better? Iiminch can tell you.

Just download and run the file, and Namebench will openthe file. Choose whether to include global likes (eg Google DNS) and local DNS services, data source (possibly Firefox), and benchmark data selection.

If it does not matter to you – do not worry! All you really need to do is press the Start Benchmark button and Namebench will start. It takes a while to get out of the job while you’re in business. The results will appear in your default browser as a map and chart pagedisplayed. It’s safe if you’re interested in details, but it can be incomprehensible, The Newcomer: Fortunately, he’ll advise you at the top of the page if you use the fastest service.

Namebench is a nice little application that addresses the problem that people may not know. However, it does not help if you do not want to change your DNS server to the test. That’s why you’re alone.

Use Namebench to see if you come as soon as possible – you canSpeed ​​up your internet experience!


Possibility to upload and share your results online

Show versions of the DNS server and names in the HTML output (mouse)

Graphical interface updated

Fast / Slow switch for status check speed

available new records (updated Alexa, cache, cache hit, cache mix)

Direct input of PCap files generated by tcpdump and wireshark.

Various OARC ports are also included

Updated server list

updatedLibraries (dnspython, jinja2)

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